Domestic Abuse is one of the main reasons children are removed from their homes. This is a separate  issue to child abuse, although, they are often confused. 

Domestic abuse relates to the abuse between the adults in a household. Whereas, child abuse relates to the abuse between an adult and a child.

The reason domestic abuse is such a high risk to children being removed is because even if the child does not actually get physically hurt they can be witnesses to the domestic abuse and therefore it is classed as mental and emotional child abuse. 

This is then classed as 'risk of future harm' and is accepted without any evidence. Parents and other people class this as the crystal ball method. Because it can be neither proved or disproved. 

Types of domestic abuse include the following: Financial, physical, emotional, mental and sexual. Although this is not a comprehensive list and many experts will state other names or add other categories. These are the main categories we believe most domestic abuse will fall into. 

It is not down to the victim to make the abuser change their behaviour. 

If you are a victim of domestic abuse, we advise you to leave and take your children with you as soon as it is safe to do so. We understand this can be difficult. You are not alone. The abuse is not your fault. 

Financial abuse:  This at a very basic level is where the abuser controls the finances, keeping hold of the victims bank cards, or puts them on an unrealistic budget. Puts all bills in the victims name so they get in trouble when bills are not paid. 

This is anything to do with money. 

Physical abuse:  This at a very basic level is where the abuser hits, punches, slaps, scolds, burns or otherwise causes physical injury to the victim deliberately. 

Now, this is where we believe using the word deliberately can be misinterpreted. An abuser will often state that the victim made them do it as such making out it was accidental. How can you accidently punch someone? 

If it causes an injury and happens more than once it's physical abuse. 

Emotional and Mental abuse:  Although these are two separate issues there is a lot of overlap between the two. As such we have placed them together. 

At the very basic level of Emotional abuse the abuser will judge the victim over what they wear, who they talk to. They will control the victim's behaviour, invade their privacy, manipulate the victim etc. This is done to break the victims spirit and make them easier to control. This can also include isolating the victim from friends and family, whilst making it sound as if the abuser is only doing it to stop the victim being hurt or upset by them.


Mental abuse takes this a step further because it breaks the mind of the victim. This can include threats of physical and sexual harm if the victim doesn't not comply to what the abuser wants. Sometimes, this can include threats to harm any children within the home if the victim does not comply.


 This can also include gaslighting; making the victim fear for their own sanity. Moving objects and saying they haven't moved them. Deleting appointments and making the victim think they never wrote it down. 


These constitute the worst kinds of domestic abuse because there are no physical signs. We have heard many stories where the victim stated they wished they'd had something to show others to prove what was happening. 'Why didn't they just hit me, then I could have shown the bruise and said look what is happening'. 


You need to remember that the abuser will come across as caring for the victim. Making it look as if the victim is scatter brained or forgetful. Degrading the victim more in front of other people, whilst sounding so compassionate. 

Both of these types of abuse cause the victim to stay quiet because they don't think anyone will believe them and because of the threat level they also fear repercussions if they do speak out. 


Sexual abuse: This can include anything from touching to full intercourse. We believe it should also cover revenge porn.  

No, means NO and if you have told someone no to sexual touching, intercourse, taking or sharing intimate photos then they should accept that you have said NO and refrain from doing it. 

It doesn't matter if you have been together a day or ten years. It doesn't matter if you are going out, casual hook ups, dating, living apart, living together,  engaged or married.  If you have stated NO they shouldn't do it and if they do it is abuse.

You should never feel as if you have to comply with another persons wishes or desires in this respect. If you think you can't say no because the other person will hurt you physically, throw a strop, call you names or basically belittle you for not wanting to continue or comply then it is abuse. 


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